Exterior of Nancy Nicholas Hall in the evening, with lamps and windows glowing.
News & Events

SoHE News and Events: June 1-7

Burgess-Hull Wins Award | TFD Student Receives AATCC Award | Warmath on Cool Credit Cards

Albert Burgess-Hull Wins Postdoctoral Preparation Institute Travel Award

Graduate student Albert Burgess-HullGraduate student Albert Burgess-Hull, M.S. was selected for the Postdoctoral Preparation Institute Travel Award from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Resources Program. With this award, Burgess-Hull will be attending the 2018 Postdoctoral Preparation Institute Workshop in Minneapolis, MN. This workshop is designed to bring together postdoctoral investigators and graduate students who will soon be exploring their first independent positions and various career options. He also received a grant from the Maximizing Access to Research Careers Program to help aid the trip. Congratulations to Albert!

Sage Conrad Receives Award from the AATCC

A picture of students with thread wall.Congratulations to TFD graduate Sage Conrad who was awarded the Student Chapter Award from the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC). This annual award goes to a senior for academic achievement and contribution to the chapter, school, or society. Sage was nominated by Majid Sarmadi and Marianne Fairbanks.



Dee Warmath Gives Insight on Cool Credit Cards

Dee WarmathConsumer science assistant professor Dee Warmath, Ph.D., was recently featured as a credit card expert in a Wallethub article. In the article, she contributed her thoughts on the various ways a credit card can be considered “cool.” From the different connections people foster with credit cards to having rewards or 0% APRs, hear Warmath share what she thinks the coolest credit card on the market is.