Thanks for reading our weekly roundup of news and events at the School of Human Ecology. Have something we should know about? Email Public Relations Manager Serena Larkin, or submit your SoHE event via this form. View past issues of news and events here.
In-house highlights
Addo publishes invited essay with the American Council on Education, features on Harvard inequality panel
Dr. Fenaba Addo, the Lorna Jorgenson Wendt Associate Professor in Money, Relationships, and Equality (MORE), was invited by the American Council on Education (ACE) to contribute an essay to its project on race and ethnicity in higher education. Her essay, “The Racialization of the Student Debt Crisis,” was solicited as part of the 2020 supplement to the organization’s 2019 comprehensive report on the topic. ACE is a membership organization that mobilizes the higher education community to shape effective public policy and foster innovative, high-quality practice.
Dr. Addo also appeared Monday as a panelist with the Harvard Kennedy School’s 5 Big Ideas in Inequality lunch series, this week addressing the topic of the racial wealth gap.
Hello! Loom, by Fairbanks, featured in UW Holiday Gift Guide
For a second year, Hello! Loom was featured in the UW Holiday Gift Guide. The item was developed through the art and scholarship of Marianne Fairbanks, Associate Professor of Design Studies.
RCB students advance to NRF competition semi-finals
Four undergraduate students majoring in Retailing and Consumer Behavior have advanced as one of just ten teams nationwide to the semi-finals of the annual National Retail Federation student competition. We wish them luck!
SoHE scholars in the news
Consumer Science faculty and KRC director explain an extraordinary Black Friday
This year’s Black Friday shopping event was necessarily different from most years due to the COVID-19 pandemic:
- Dr. Cliff Robb, Associate Professor of Consumer Science, spoke with NBC 15 and ABC 27 (the NBC story also features SoHE alumna and State Street’s Little Luxuries shop owner Amy Moore);
- Dr. Nancy Wong, the Kohl’s Chair in Retail Innovation, Department Chair, and Professor of Consumer Science, with the Argus Leader (SD); and
- Jerry O’Brien, Executive Director of Kohl’s Center for Retailing, with the Wisconsin Examiner (reprinted in Patch Wisconsin).
Duncan advises on telling loved ones you can’t celebrate the holidays in person this year
Dr. Larissa Duncan, the Elizabeth C. Davies Chair in Child and Family Well-Being, Faculty Director, and Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, joined Wisconsin Public Radio’s Wiscontext program last month to advise listeners on how to talk with their families about holiday plans and not being able to celebrate in person due to COVID-19. She was also featured in a write-up by the university of experts available to discuss de-stressing from the pandemic and the election.
CommNS’ Collins on nonprofits’ anxiety over donor fatigue
Mary Beth Collins, Executive Director of the Center for Community and Nonprofit Studies, spoke with the Wisconsin State Journal about nonprofits’ approach to the holiday donation season, including their worries over potential donor fatigue.
Raison advises on managing anxiety and depression in Discover magazine
Dr. Charles Raison, the Mary Sue and Mike Shannon Distinguished Chair for Healthy Minds, Children & Families and Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, shared advice in Discover magazine for people to manage anxiety and depression from home and to know when to reach out for professional help.
Angus, Fairbanks included in virtual international textiles show
“Interwoven Perspectives,” the 2020 China and USA Technology & Innovation in Fiber Art Virtual Exhibition, opened virtually on Nov. 23 and will be on display through Dec. 24, including work from SoHE’s own Jennifer Angus, the Audrey Rothermel Bascom Professor in Human Ecology —specifically her “Museum of Everything” show at Philadelphia’s The Mattress Factory—and Marianne Fairbanks. The show is jointly hosted by the Tsinghua University Academy of Arts & Design (Beijing, China) and the University of the Arts (Philadelphia, USA), with an international online forum scheduled for Dec. 5, 9:00 AM, China Standard Time over VooV Meeting (a.k.a. Tencent Meeting).
Flanagan discusses youth vote with Badger Report
Dr. Connie Flanagan, Professor Emerita and Vaughan Bascom Professor in Women, Family and Community, spoke with the student TV news show The Badger Report about youth turnout in the 2020 general election.
Whelan on why it’s hard to stick to a budget
Dr. Christine Whelan, Director of Money, Relationships and Equality Initiative and Clinical Professor of Consumer Science, was quoted in a CreditDonkey article about why it’s sometimes hard for people to stick to a budget.
DiPrete Brown, Huambachano, et al.: Integrating rights, gender, and Indigenous knowledge
Lori DiPrete Brown, Distinguished Faculty Associate of Civil Society and Community Studies, and Dr. Mariaelena Huambachano, Assistant Professor of Civil Society and Community Studies, are coauthors on a new paper in the journal Sustainability, “From a Three-Legged Stool to a Three-Dimensional World: Integrating Rights, Gender and Indigenous Knowledge into Sustainability Practice and Law.” The publication resulted from the authors’ participation in an international workshop on gender and climate change held at UW–Madison in September 2019, then follow-up through virtual discussions where they considered frameworks of gender analysis, planetary health, and the Sustainable Development Goals and discussed their respective areas of fieldwork, including from several Global Health Institute and 4W advisory board members.
Gaddis, Clark-Barol, et al.: Local foods for low-income families’ home-cooking practices
Dr. Jennifer Gaddis, the Jane Rafferty Thiele Faculty Fellow and Assistant Professor of Civil Society and Community Studies, and Civil Society and Community Research PhD student Molly Clark-Barol, are first author and coauthor respectively on a new paper in the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, “Incorporating local foods into low-income families’ home-cooking practices: The critical role of sustained economic subsidies.”
Horowitz: Indigenous rights and industrial capitalism
Dr. Leah Horowitz, Assistant Professor of Civil Society and Community Studies, has published a new paper in the journal Progress in Human Geography, “Indigenous rights and the persistence of industrial capitalism: Capturing the law–ideology–power triple-helix.”
Bea: The Military Lending Act’s protections for financially vulnerable families
Proceedings of the 2020 AFCPE® Research and Training Symposium are now published online, including work by SoHE’s Dr. Megan Doherty Bea, Assistant Professor of Consumer Science, and Geography graduate student Kallista Bley, “Policy to Protect Financially Vulnerable Populations: A Look at the Military Lending Act” (pages 56–59). Their findings to date suggest that neither the 2007 MLA nor its 2016 revision were effective in reducing payday lender presence in military areas, but state-wide laws protecting all consumers did reduce lenders across the state, including in military communities.
Raison et al.: Does sighing signal baseline emotional negativity?
Dr. Charles Raison, the Mary Sue and Mike Shannon Distinguished Chair for Healthy Minds, Children & Families and Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, is a coauthor on a new paper in the Journal of Research in Personality, “Is Frequent Sighing an Indicator of Dispositional Negative Emotionality? A Multi-Sample, Multi-Measure Naturalistic-Observation Study.”
Hartley et al.: Dyadic coping for parents with children with Autism
Dr. Sigan Hartley, the 100 Women Chair in Human Ecology, is coauthor on a new paper in the journal Family Process, “Use and Benefit of Dyadic Coping for Couple Relationship Satisfaction in Parents of Children with Autism.”
Navigating Professional Barriers: Pathways for Underrepresented Minorities
Virtual event | Wednesday, December 2–Thursday, December 3: Dr. Alvin Thomas, Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, will speak as part of a two-day conference, “Navigating Professional Barriers: Pathways for Underrepresented Minorities.” Specifically, he will be a panelist for a discussion of “Toxic Masculinity and its Impact on Career Development.” Sponsoring networks include African American and Latino Men’s Alliance (AALMA), Asian Professional Networking Alliance (APNA), Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC), and OPEN. Learn more, and register.
“Digital Garden” group exhibition, including Marianne Fairbanks
Exhibition | December 4, 2020–January 8, 2021: Cleveland-based fiber arts center Praxis Fiber Arts will feature a group exhibition over the next several weeks celebrating the opening of its digital weaving lab. The exhibition includes work from Marianne Fairbanks, Associate Professor of Design Studies, and host a virtual opening Sunday, December 6, via Facebook Live.
“Human Rights and Food Security during the Pandemic,” including Dr. Mariaelena Huambachano
Virtual event | Monday, December 7, 4:00–5:00 p.m. CT:
In observance of Human Rights Day, The Human Rights Program has organized an event on food security during the pandemic. SoHE’s Mariaelena Huambachano, Assistant Professor of Civil Society and Community Studies, will join a panel of experts including UW Law Professors Steph Tai and Alexandra Huneeus to discuss this topic. More information and the link to the event are available here.
Plus, view the full online calendar of SoHE-sponsored events.