Hartley Fellowship | Jackson & Commencement | Textile Video |Papp Honored| Expert Robb| Lussier Nomination
Hartley Receives H.I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship
Congratulations to HDFS Associate Professor Sigan Hartley, one of 11 UW-Madison faculty who received a 2019 H.I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship. The award recognizes faculty up to six years past their first promotion to a tenured position and comes with $60,000 that may be spent over five years. Read the Wisconsin State Journal article.
RCB Grad Nicholas Jackson to Represent SoHe at 2019 Commencement
Student Nicholas Jackson has been selected to carry the flag for SoHE during the 2019 opening commencement procession. After years of starts and stops, he reaches his college graduation goal on May 11th, earning a degree in retailing and consumer behavior and a certificate in studio art. Read about his journey at UW News.
Mecklenburg Gallery Opening Video
The grand opening for the Lynn Mecklenburg Textile Gallery took place on a cold day in late January. Check out the student-made video that captures the inaugural show, gallery visitors and official ribbon cutting ceremony! Watch it on YouTube.
Notre Dame Names Papp ‘Distinguished Alumna’
SoHE’s Associate Dean for Research, Lauren Papp, received the Distinguished Alumna Award from Notre Dame. As a doctoral graduate of the school, Papp was recognized for her innovative research on how intimate and family relationships shape a person’s development across the lifespan, her extraordinary commitment to student welfare demonstrated in both teaching and service; and her role as a leader in her field and at SoHE.
Robb in “Ask the Experts” for College Students and Credit Cards
CS Associate Professor Cliff Robb is an expert in a recent WalletHub article titled “Best Credit Cards for College Students.” He shared professional insights and tips for college students looking to get credit, from the best way to use cards to the biggest mistakes. Read the full interview.
Lussier Winner at Morgridge “Be the Change Bash”
Nominated by CSCS Associate Professor Michael Maguire, the Lussier Community Education Center received the Morgridge Center for Public Service’s Outstanding Community Partner Award at the 5th Be the Change Bash. LCEC provides SoHE students with internships, employment, on-site mentoring, and on- and off-campus class activities. Read more.