SoHE and Extension experts advise on family finances in COVID-19 crisis | DiPrete Brown promotes COVID-19 survey for Wisconsin | Whelan shares tips for mental health under safer-at-home guidance | Keeler profiled in Badger Insider | Addo on the value of a writing community | Shim APLUS research featured on PsychCentral | Outside Magazine highlights Raison’s heat therapy research | Badger$ense covers credit scores for Badger Herald | CFS research cited in Motley Fool | Hartley on parent-child relationships in families with children on the autism spectrum | Shim on young adults’ relationship choices and financial resources | Hilgendorf and Moore on collaborative health equity evaluation models | Ahrens on multiple internships for college students
SoHE News & Events: Feb 14–20
Readers respond to Gaddis op-ed | Fairbanks residency at Villa Terrace | Raison discusses inflammation, psychedelics, and depression with two podcasts | Badger$ense advises on how to read a job offer | New research from CSCS grad student with Morgridge colleagues
SoHE News & Events: Nov 15–21
Research: Youth involvement in Madison planning process | Teaching Poverty 101 workshop opens applications | Forbes notes SoHE’s Badger$ense program | Research: SoHE grad student publishes on increasing minority participation in cancer clinical trials | Grad student interviews Menominee forester for Edge Effects | Research: Spouse and caregiver roles and recognition | Badger Herald features Hartley’s Down Syndrome-Alzheimer’s research | Angus show a “wondrous environment”—plus, “Bugsgiving”! | Feedback survey for Day of the Dead Community Altar Project
SoHE News & Events: Sep 13–19
Caring for caregivers, students advise peers on budgeting, and more.