Legendary designers Bruce Mau and Bisi Williams of Massive Change Network return to campus for documentary screening and Q&A Written by Nicole Etter It started as sparks flew around a campfire one evening last autumn. …
Master of Science in Design + Innovation
Alum Chris Thompson returns to the School of Human Ecology to deepen design thinking skills and expand real-world impact
Chris Thompson saw the need for more human-centered design in his work as a product engineer, project manager and product manager. Then one day, nearly 20 years after graduating from the School of Human Ecology …
SoHE Helps Launch New Accelerated MS in Design + Innovation
The University of Wisconsin–Madison’s new degree option responds to student interest, faculty expertise, and employer needs.
SoHE News & Events: Oct 18–24
A new accelerated master’s degree launches with SoHE | Bartfeld on hunger solutions for Wisconsin | Angus exhibit “dazzles” | Collins appointed to retirement task force by Governor | SoHE grad student publishes research on mindful parenting of teens | Diprete Brown wins Global Citizen Award