SoHE News and Events: March 16 – March 22

Campus features YMA wins | Flanigan talks national Walkout Day | Collins wins Kohl’s funding SoHE’s TFD and R&CB students YMA scholarship wins capture campus attention SoHE students wins in the 2018 YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund …

Get Happy, Feel Special

Christine Whelan is a clinical professor in the Department of Consumer Science. She is the director of the Money, Relationships & Equality Initiative in the School of Human Ecology. Dr. Whelan teaches and researches on topics of self-improvement, gender, …

Grad Student Burgess-Hull Begins Yale Fellowship

This week, Human Development and Family Studies Ph.D. candidate Albert Burgess-Hull, along with 39 other young science leaders, kicked off his year as a fellow of the Yale Ciencia Academy (YCA) for Career Development. This …