Last call – Due 9/25: VCRGE Pandemic-Affected Research Continuation Initiative
Due 10/15: Sociological Initiatives Foundation Participatory Action Research grants
Training Events
9/25: Overview of Research and Sponsored Programs for SoHE Researchers
10/21: How to Avoid Delays in the IRB Approval Process
Congratulations Yiwei Zhang and Leah Horowitz, recipients of Course Release Incentive awards for Spring 2021
SoHE KnowledgeBase is live and includes over a dozen topics to support SoHE researchers
Research funding opportunities, training events, and related news
Funding: Deadline 9/25: Vilas Life Cycle Professorship, Deadline 9/28: Pandemic-Affected Research Continuation Initiative, Deadline 9/30: COVID-19 Dissertation Completion Funding
Events: 9/24: Introduction to the IRB, 9/25: Overview of Research and Sponsored Programs for SoHE Researchers
News: IRB Efficiency Project (IEP) seeks feedback from the research community, UW-Madison is canceling GrantForward subscription, Link to the latest Research @ UW Newsletter
Research funding opportunities, news, and info
Deadline 9/28: VCRGE Pandemic-Affected Research Continuation Initiative
Deadline 10/1: Craft Research Fund Exhibition Grant
Deadline 10/7: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Community Solutions for Health Equity
Event 9/25 (virtual workshop): Overview of Research and Sponsored Programs for SoHE Researchers
Event 10/10: Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That!: How to Talk about Your Research Without Compromising Your Identities
Event 10/27-10/30 (virtual seminar): Fall 2020 NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration – Now free!
SoHE News: Aug 28–Sept 3
Wei Dong’s teaching prowess profiled in Madison Magazine, Kerr research briefs examine parents’ mental health in the pandemic, Poehlmann-Tynan on children witnessing violence, Addo and Robb win grant to study transfer student success, and more.
Research funding opportunities, news, and info
Last call: VCRGE Fall Competition applications are due September 11. The VCRGE Pandemic-Affected Research Continuation Initiative is accepting applications until September 28. Caplan Early Childhood Education Letters of Intent (LOI) are due September 30. Russell Sage Foundation Pipeline Grants are due November 4. Register now for the online research training event Overview of Research and Sponsored Programs for SoHE Researchers, an to be held Friday September 25, 2020 from 2:00-3:15PM.
New Research: The Highs and Lows of Parenting in a Pandemic
Newly published research briefs from the Kerr Parent Lab in the School of Human Ecology detail the challenges and opportunities to mental health and well-being that parents have found as they navigate the COVID-19 pandemic with their families.
Research funding opportunities, news, and info
The deadline for submitting an application to the Fall Research Competition is September 11. The William T. Grant Foundation Institutional Challenge Grant deadline is September 10. Compeer Financial offers a small grant through its Rural Feasibility Study Grant Program, with applications accepted on a rolling basis.
Research Funding Opportunities
Applications to the VCRGE Fall Research Competition are due September 11, 2020. The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts invites applications to Production and Presentation or R&D projects, due September 15, 2020. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Healthy Eating Research Program invites applications for research on reducing sugar-sweetened beverage (SSBs) consumption and increasing safe drinking water access in children ages 0-5, due September 16, 2020. Early notice of NIH R01 opportunity PAR-20-238: Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health, due May 17, 2021. Final reminder of the August 27 IRB session about the impacts of COVID-19 on research, with discussion about remote consenting, what to report to the IRB, and more.
Research funding opportunities, news, and info
Last call to submit a SoHE Course Release Incentive application, due August 15. The VCRGE announced Fall Research Competition applications are now available, due September 11. A reminder of the August 27th IRB session on conducting research during the COVID-19 pandemic. Check out this week’s Research at UW newsletter for campus research news, and continue to refer to Phase 2 Return to Research guidelines for on-campus research activities.
Research Funding Opportunities, News & Info
This week’s funding opportunities include the SoHE Course Release Incentive funding, for spring 2021 course release to develop extramural research proposals, due August 15. The WI Partnership Program at UW SMPH invites applicants to its Collaborative Health Sciences Program, pre-applications due September 1. The Alliant Energy Center Foundation invites applications to its Community Small Grants program, due September 1.
The UW HS IRB is offering a session on August 27 about how to handle COVID-19 impacts to human subjects research. The NIH announced a workshop on September 2 on Inclusion Across the Lifespan (IAL), directed toward researchers working with geriatric or pediatric populations. The NIH fall seminar on program funding and grants administration will be held October 26-30.
SoHE Return to Research resources are now posted online, including guidance documents, FAQs, and commonly-sought links to campus resources.