Coat, France, 1870, cotton, pearl, silk on wool, 23 x 17 in. Anna Arndt just completed her third year in the School of Human Ecology, studying Retail and Consumer Behavior. We are riding a wave …
Consumer Behavior & Marketplace Studies
SoHE News & Events: May 17-23
AREA LEADERS GATHER | FREE SCHOOL BREAKFASTS | CLIMATE CHANGE Native Nations_UW Leadership Summit highlights directions for partnerships Dean Soyeon Shim, other UW leaders, and Native Nations leaders attended a day of discussion on improving …
Human Ecologist for Life: Sydney Sua
Sydney Sua (Textile and Apparel Design ’14) is a Content Strategist for Google in San Francisco, CA. “I want other students to have the experience I had” Sydney Sua’s journey from graduating with a degree …
SoHE News & Events: May 3-9
Hartley Fellowship | Jackson & Commencement | Textile Video |Papp Honored| Expert Robb| Lussier Nomination Hartley Receives H.I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship Congratulations to HDFS Associate Professor Sigan Hartley, one of 11 UW-Madison faculty who received …
Textile Tuesday: Helen In Thread
Happy Birthday Helen Louise Allen! Professor Allen spent her life teaching, traveling, and collecting the thousands of textiles in her legacy collection—a sample of which can be seen from now until April 14 in both …
Textile Tuesday: Silver Foil Dress
Dress, silver foil, Reynolds Metals Company, United States, 1968, 37×28″ By Gretchen Meyer, a second-year student in SoHE, studying Retailing and Consumer Behavior. While browsing through the Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection, I was in …
Textile Tuesday: Metamorphosis
Dress, Carolyn Kallenborn, 1994, US, 65×18 in By Jessica Inman, a student in Retailing and Consumer Behavior in the School of Human Ecology. When looking at the Hellen Allen Louise Textile collection online, I was …
Students extend winning streak in fashion industry competition
The global fashion and retail industry just received another strong message from the heartland: The University of Wisconsin–Madison continues to be a go-to place for up-and-coming talent. Extending a long winning streak, UW–Madison students again …
UW x August – EVERY BODY
every body, every shape, every skin color…everyone is beautiful! August, a streetwear shop located in downtown Madison’s State Street, partnered up with SoHE students to host “Every Body,” a styling and photography event that took …
Retail Students Present Trend Forecasts to Kohl’s Reps
Learning to work with different “thinkers” On October 17, Executive in Residence for Retailing and Consumer Behavior and SoHE alum Linda Ahlers was on hand to help students in the Product Development Strategies in Retail …