Addo featured in MarketWatch, Raison on psychedelics’ “narrative intervention” therapeutic promise, Hartley on autism and bullying, CommNS’ Washington Mandela fellows event today, and more.
Center for Community & Nonprofit Studies
Human Ecology Master’s & CNPL Graduate Jessica Fischer Joins GlobalGiving This Summer
The newly minted SoHE MS alum was hired last month by the DC-based global crowdfunding organization for her skills and experience in transformative nonprofit operations.
SoHE News: July 10-July 16
Halpern-Meekin discusses pandemic poverty implications with 1050 Bascom podcast, Collins joins Yahoo! Finance on retirement savings disparities in America, CommNS to host annual fundraising conference online in brief, Whelan offers work-from-home tips on WPR, and more.
SoHE News: June 26-July 9
CDMC gallery exhibitions now available online, Kerr TV interview on parenting stresses under COVID-19, Ponto wins data science research grant from American Family Insurance, new food security mapping tool from Bartfeld featured in Mid-West Farm Report, and more.
SoHE News: June 19-25
Hartley on strategies for parents of children with developmental disabilities or autism, Moskowitz on politics in our textiles, Addo on COVID’s added economic impact for Black women, Wong on the future of consumer behavior, and more.
CommNS Convenes Conversations on Racial Justice
Recently, the Center for Community and Nonprofit Studies (“the CommNS”) hosted two live, virtual conversations on the topic “Sustained Engagement for Racial Justice.” The events featured local and national leaders as panelists and drew hundreds of attendees for the live conversation.
SoHE News: June 12-18
Poehlmann-Tynan research with Sesame Workshop featured by university, Thomas talks mental health with alumni for UW Now, CFS RDRC hosts its second annual Junior Scholars in Training program, and more.
SoHE Launches New Capstone Certificate in Community & Nonprofit Leadership
Coursework equips emerging and established change agents with the skills to expand their impact.
SoHE News: May 29-June 4
Harvey on alternative financial services in times of crisis, Addo on compounded financial pressures for Black Americans, Hartley on the Alzheimers-Down Syndrome link, Kirkorian on screentime for young children, Ponto on emerging tech trends, and more.
SoHE News: Apr 10–16
CNPL major wins Truman Scholarship, Grad student connects local farms’ produce with Latino/Indigenous families in need, Consumer Science PhD alum publishes CDL research in Nature, Hartley featured on WPR and Wisconsin State Journal, Halpern-Meekin applies “social poverty” concept to understanding families’ COVID experiences, and more.