SoHE News: May 22-28

Design History PhD student wins major research award, McInnes describes the “wau” in Wisconsin place names, incoming undergrad wins Summit Credit Union scholarship, Whelan remembers an unorthodox self-help author, and more.

SoHE News: May 1-7

Student accomplishments to celebrate, Collins joins Crossroads of Ideas COVID-19 discussion, Addo on financial impacts for millennials, and more.

SoHE Undergrads to Lead Two Wisconsin Idea Fellowship Projects

Congratulations to Danielle Wendricks (CNPL) and Nina Sugaya (IA)! Their projects, two of just nine awarded this year, will address local hunger relief and biomass energy production in Kenya.

SoHE News: Apr 10–16

CNPL major wins Truman Scholarship, Grad student connects local farms’ produce with Latino/Indigenous families in need, Consumer Science PhD alum publishes CDL research in Nature, Hartley featured on WPR and Wisconsin State Journal, Halpern-Meekin applies “social poverty” concept to understanding families’ COVID experiences, and more.

SoHE News & Events: Feb 28–Mar 5

Rashard Griffith profiled by UW Athletics | Gaddis cited in The Week | Halpern-Meekin and Whelan cited in Psychology Today | Raison talks psychadelics for MDD with MDedge podcast | Whelan discusses fear in the face of tragedy on Channel 3000 | New research by Halpern-Meekin, Hartley, and HDFS grad students | Dean Shim and SoHE undergrad at the “Souper Bowl”

SoHE News & Events: Feb 14–20

Readers respond to Gaddis op-ed | Fairbanks residency at Villa Terrace | Raison discusses inflammation, psychedelics, and depression with two podcasts | Badger$ense advises on how to read a job offer | New research from CSCS grad student with Morgridge colleagues

SoHE News & Events: Jan 10–16

Facebook Live event with Raison on the mind-body connection to wellbeing | SoHE students win prestigious awards | New research from Poehlmann-Tynan and SoHE alumni and grad students | Gaddis Q&A in Wisconsin State Journal | Horowitz on unprecedented Australia wildfires