SoHE News: June 19-25

Hartley on strategies for parents of children with developmental disabilities or autism, Moskowitz on politics in our textiles, Addo on COVID’s added economic impact for Black women, Wong on the future of consumer behavior, and more.

SoHE News: June 12-18

Poehlmann-Tynan research with Sesame Workshop featured by university, Thomas talks mental health with alumni for UW Now, CFS RDRC hosts its second annual Junior Scholars in Training program, and more.

SoHE News: June 5-11

• Addo on the racial wealth disparity in the stock market rebound
• Remembering Mark Anthony Rolo
• Awards to SoHE faculty from Global Health Institute and Baldwin Wisconsin Idea
• Personal finance online degree written up in On Wisconsin magazine, and more.

SoHE News: May 22-28

Design History PhD student wins major research award, McInnes describes the “wau” in Wisconsin place names, incoming undergrad wins Summit Credit Union scholarship, Whelan remembers an unorthodox self-help author, and more.

SoHE News: May 8-14

Soyeon profiled in Madison Magazine, Addo on America’s “subaltern middle class,” CNPL major profiled in Chicago Tribune, O’Brien anticipates a very different retail future, and more.

SoHE News: May 1-7

Student accomplishments to celebrate, Collins joins Crossroads of Ideas COVID-19 discussion, Addo on financial impacts for millennials, and more.