Positive Parenting Program Wins Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment Award

Dr. Robert Nix, of Human Development and Family Studies, and Extension colleague Brook Berg win a $110,000 award to support a family well-being program in 16 rural counties and tribal nations representing the highest-risk parts of Wisconsin.

SoHE News: May 8-14

Soyeon profiled in Madison Magazine, Addo on America’s “subaltern middle class,” CNPL major profiled in Chicago Tribune, O’Brien anticipates a very different retail future, and more.

SoHE News & Events: Mar 27–Apr 2

Image: Empty Shelves Photo by Boris Dunand on Unsplash Thanks for reading our weekly roundup of news and events at the School of Human Ecology. Have something we should know about? Email Public Relations Manager Serena Larkin, or submit your SoHE …

SoHE News & Events: Oct 18–24

A new accelerated master’s degree launches with SoHE | Bartfeld on hunger solutions for Wisconsin | Angus exhibit “dazzles” | Collins appointed to retirement task force by Governor | SoHE grad student publishes research on mindful parenting of teens | Diprete Brown wins Global Citizen Award